
Frequently Asked Questions

Why is forest protection important?
Forests play a crucial role in climate change – about 25% of global greenhouse gas emissions come from the land sector, and nearly half of that comes from deforestation and degradation of forests. Forests bind approximately 2.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) annually, which is nearly one-third of the CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels. Therefore, it's vital to stop the diminishing and degradation of forest ecosystems and promote their restoration.

Who is behind the project?
The EverForest project is backed by employees of a technology company engaged in the development of robotic parcel lockers and autonomous robot couriers, as well as IT specialists and researchers who help develop an unbiased forest management strategy. All this is done to digitally valorize forest units. Our goal is to mitigate the damage caused by CO2 emissions from human activities by protecting and rejuvenating forests.

How does EverForest differ from competing climate projects?
There are indeed several partially similar projects, but all of them deal with smaller issues. For example, some offer planting individual trees or trading with EU quotas. Our project goes further and creates a novel digital reserve that provides a real-time trackable comprehensive solution for achieving CO2 goals. Moreover, anyone interested can participate in the project. Everyone can contribute to the creation of a by-the-people-for-the-people reserve, which ensures a tangible measurable result. Each NFT corresponds to a cadastral unit with its precise personalized location – go hiking or simply relax and see for yourself the targeted achievement of the project's goals. Additionally, we start with digitally valorizing forest lands belonging to a trustworthy foundation – just as it is the most logical and transparent. Other forest landowners joining our project are a bonus.

What is the difference between the EverForest project and the European Union carbon dioxide quota?
The future is here, and more and more companies and individuals need to think about reducing their carbon dioxide (CO2) footprint – both in production and supply chains (ESG), as well as in everyday life. We have all heard of the infamous EU carbon dioxide (CO2) quota, which is a somewhat complex and sometimes confusing term. The CO2 emission trading system originated from the Kyoto Protocol and the EU's climate policy, aimed at moving towards climate neutrality. For example, companies can buy and sell emission allowances as needed, and each allowance allows the owner to emit one ton of carbon dioxide equivalent CO2e, the price of which is determined by market demand in the trading environment. Today, it's clear to everyone that this system unfortunately has several flaws and the quota price is very high. Our goal is to offer a clearer and more transparent alternative to both companies and individuals – we reduce the carbon dioxide footprint of individuals and companies through innovative technology. This is not a quota for polluting, but a digitally secured reserve backed by physical forests. Through forests, we help reduce the amount of CO2, neutralizing the air pollution caused by individuals and companies. However, this does not exclude the possibility of cooperating with both the Estonian government and the EU in the future to add more real-time measurable content to the already developed climate strategy.

What does a sustainably managed forest mean and how is clear-cutting avoided?
A sustainably managed forest is part of a forest strategy developed by impartial scientists, considering all essential parameters as well as non-material aspects. A strict requirement is that clear-cutting must be prohibited.

Isn't crypto itself polluting?
Blockchain technology has unfairly gained a disproportionately negative image. In reality, it has tremendous potential. We have thought through how to mint NFTs or create them in a sustainable way, using solar energy, and how to keep the system running with a very low environmental footprint. Additionally, we use a PoS (Proof of Stake) instead of PoW (Proof of Work) system when launching NFT. Blockchain technology has a significant advantage as we can record both, our commitments and crucial parts of the project in the chain as well as use it in all important stages. Without blockchain, it would be very difficult for us to build a functioning system that is linked to a unique non-replaceable asset in real-time. Through blockchain, everyone interested can become part of the project. It also provides excellent opportunities for amplifying the project if we want to expand globally.

I would like to participate in the project, but blockchain? Tokens?? NFT??? I don't understand anything :( Can I participate in the project without crypto?
Of course! We are also developing the possibility to participate in the project without a crypto wallet and prior knowledge. In the meantime, you can contact us via "old-school" email at info@everforest.com, and we will find a suitable solution for everyone.

How to support the project anonymously?
There is always the option to support the green movement through a donation, where a 50/40/10 logic applies – 50% of the amount goes to forest acquisition, i.e., reserve expansion, 40% for development activities, and 10% for reserve. EverForest OÜ IBAN: EE522200221078356879, Description: For Forests Protection. The names of donors will not be disclosed.